Party General Information
Only your group will have the gym during your party time. Parties are conducted on Saturdays. We do have a freezer available if you choose to bring ice cream for your guests. Children should dress in comfortable clothes. Champions will have tables and chairs set up for you and will take care of the clean-up afterwards. |
Party Attire for Children
Dress in comfortable clothes - shorts, leggings, sweat pants, T-shirts, etc. No jewelry such as necklaces, dangly earrings, watches or bracelets. They too easily get lost in the pit and can cause injury and get in the way during play. Children will play in the gym barefooted or in socks. Barefeet are preferred because socks tend to come off and get lost in the pit. |
Party Legalities for Adults
Parents, other adult guests, and children under the age of 3 years are NOT allowed in the gym area during the party because of liability insurance regulations. (The ONLY exception to this is the one parent of the birthday child who may come into the gym to take pictures.) Each party participant (child) must have a parent's/guardian's signature on the consent/waiver form. Without the signature, the child will NOT be allowed to participate because of liability insurance regulations. |

110 W. Highland
Paragould, Arkansas 72450
Phone: (870) 236-3286
Paragould, Arkansas 72450
Phone: (870) 236-3286